Your Home of 80s Nostalgia

I am very excited to introduce my 80s nostalgia blog 80s Kids UKI will regularly be sharing loads of nostalgia and memories from this fabulous decade. The content you will find is predominately aimed at Gen X or older millennials who would have been growing up in the 80s. There is even an 80s shop where you will find original 80s items to own. You can also follow 80s Kids UK on Instagram and Facebook.

80s Nostalgia Blog 80s Kids UK

Latest from the 80s Nostalgia Blog

Most Popular 80s Christmas Toys Blog Image

Most Popular 80s Christmas Toys

Do you remember your favourite 1980s toys? One of the times of year we were most likely to get them was Christmas! After making a list for Santa, or circling the Argos catalogue, we waited with anticipation on Christmas morning. Read on to find out the Most Popular 80s Christmas Toys.

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Collecting 1980s Erasers

One of the things I absolutely loved to collect as a child in the 80s was ‘smelly erasers’. This meant traditional pencil rubbers moulded into various new colourful forms and scented with some sort of perfume, making them attractive for children to collect. Read on to find out more about my collection, plus tips on collecting 1980s erasers today!

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80s Christmas Memories

I don’t know if it’s just that I was a kid at the time, but Christmas seemed more exciting and magical in the 1980s… or maybe it was because things were simpler back then, without distracting smartphones, less overwhelming choice

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